50k Day One – Complete

For anyone who didn’t see it on Twitter yesterday –Β  I HIT 50,000 WORDS IN A DAY!!!

I wanted to sleep the whole evening before, but I ended up sleeping from 1-6 pm on Oct. 31. Then I started at midnight and pretty much did not stop writing until 10:18 pm, when I hit 50,001 – about 15 minutes after Sushi beat me to it. I was really hoping I could beat her to it, but she has done this twice before, so I really should have known better.

If you check out the hashtags #50kkillmenow and #50kdayone, you can see all the other awesome people who wrote 50k in a day – or at least came really close to it!

For those who are interested, here is my spreadsheet for yesterday:

Day One – 2013

And for anyone who would like a reminder of how I failed last year:

Day One – 2012

My fingers felt like they were broken by the end of the day. My back was killing me. My forearms were numb. And my novel ended at 46k. I was worried I wasn’t going to finish. So I started writing some intentionally horrible fan fiction with a drunk narrator. Not by best writing, of course, but it was cracking me up while I wrote it, so I’ll go with it.

I had a lot of fun racing to 50k yesterday. My arms and back and everything feel better this morning. That said, I’m not sure I’ll ever attempt 50k day again. I wanted to see if I could do it, and I have. But I will definitely be there to cheer on anyone else who wants to attempt this in the future! πŸ™‚

And just remember – no matter what you wrote yesterday, you should be proud of yourself!

Posted on November 2, 2013, in Degeneration, goals, NaNoWriMo, Writing and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 16 Comments.

  1. That is beyond amazing!!! Great job πŸ™‚

  2. Katie, it’s impressive in a “running a marathon” kind of way, and I guess if it’s just to “see if you could do it,” and that makes you feel good, then it’s worth doing. So if it’s a “bucket list” item checked off your list, good for you. Other than that, I can’t see the benefit in pushing that way ’cause I would imagine that, unless you had this so perfectly outlined before hand, you’re going to have a lot more work in your revisions, trying to make it work. I guess you can use the rest of your NaNoWriMo to do that! lol

    • I’ve found that I never like my first drafts, no matter how long it takes me to write them. So I’ve started seeing how fast I can write them so I can get something down on paper, see which parts work and which parts don’t, and then I can throw it out and rewrite the whole thing later. So, really, revisions would take me just as long, even if I had written at a slower pace.

      I personally write with an outline, but I know a bunch of people who just start with a vague idea and run with it. Not all are looking to publish, so they just write for fun. Others are just really good at writing coherent novels quickly.

  3. Great job hitting 50k in 24h. I hope you keep moving forward towards getting one or more drafts completed. Then you’ll be even more amazing. πŸ™‚

  4. Amazing! Really amazing and inspiring. Great work! Maybe some time in my life i’ll try this out, but not now.

    I was wondering if anyone has made a timple lapse of something like this? I’m sure it’d be a huge video file, but it’d be fun to see let’s say someone’s hands work over the keyboard for 24 hours. It’d be a video to see hehe.

    • That would be an interesting idea, although I’m not sure I’d want to watch it. Twenty-four hours of typing and people getting up to eat/drink sounds pretty boring to me! Haha. But thank you! If you ever do decide to try it, let me know, and I’ll be cheering you on the whole way! πŸ™‚

  5. Someday I’m going to be you!

  6. I know I’m late to the party, but WAY TO GO!!!

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